1. Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes, tutorials and submission of the term work in various subjects.

  2. Students should attend not less than 75% of the aggregate of all lectures, tutorial classes and Practicals held (effective teaching hours/contact hours).

  3. Attendance in lectures, Practicals and tutorials shall be counted from the date of commencement of session as per University’s calendar.

  4. The attendance of the day will only be given if the student has attended all practicals and lectures of the day. A minimum of 75% attendance win each subject theory/practicals is required.

  5. Terms shall not be granted and student shall not be certified for examination if his attendance , conduct and progress is not satisfactory.

  6. If the student does not have the minimum attendance he/she will not be allowed to appear for the examinations.

  7. In case, a student requires to remain absent for some reasons, he will be required to take prior permission of the principle.

  8. Students, if found indulging in activities contrary to the provisions of the Acts and Laws enforced by the government will be liable to be expelled from the college without any notice by the directors of the institute.

  9. Ragging of students in any form within or outside the college is strictly prohibited. Defaulters will be strictly dealt with as per statute.

  10. Smoking, drinking (alcohol) and use of ‘Drugs’ is strictly prohibited in the premises of the Institute Vehicles should be parked only in the areas provided for the purpose. The institute accepts no responsibility for their safe custody. Vehicles parked elsewhere may be confiscated.

  11. Vehicles should be parked only in the areas provided for the purpose. The institute accepts no responsibility for their safe custody. Vehicles parked elsewhere may be confiscated.

  12. Any changes in the address of the student must be intimated by him/her writing to the institute Office immediately.

  13. Students must use aprons and uniforms of —_ pattern while working in the laboratories, Class rooms and in the Hotel.

  14. A student must carry Identity card signed by the Principal and produce the same whenever asked by the institute authorities.

  15. Without identity card the student will not be allowed to enter the institute premises and will be strictly dealt with..

  16. A student is expected to read the notices put on the notice boards of the institute. The institute accepts no responsibility for loss of any advantage by the student due to this failure to read the notice in time.

  17. If any of the statement made in application form or any information supplied by the student in connection with his/her admission at any time is found to be incorrect or false, his/her admission will be automatically cancelled, fees forfeited and he/she will be expelled from the institute by the Principal and prosecuted by the Government, if deemed necessary.

  18. A student shall not go to the press of any other publicity media without permission of the principal.

  19. Any damage to the institute’s property, furniture, equipment, library books, building ete. must paid for immediately by the student.

  20. Student must attend Social and National events organised by the college such as 26th January, 15th August and all other declared National celebrations.

  21. A student will abide by the rules and regulations framed by the institute from time to time.

  22. All the students must attend classes in decent uniform on all working days as per the institute norms.

  23. No student will be allowed to appear for the exams unless he/she has paid all the dues and completed his/her journals and has satisfactory attendance.

  24. Students are expected to behave properly, decently & with the decorum to see that they do not cause any inconvenience to others, to obey the rules & regulations of the institute in all respect.

  25. Loud talking, smoking or congregating in the premises or causing any disturbances to the practicals conduced in the laboratory and the classes should totally be avoided. Students found indulging in these will be severely dealt with.

  26. If consistent satisfactory progress is not observed, a candidate may be advised to leave the course and his guardian informed accordingly. The principal may remove the student for the roll of the institute for his/her continued absence, misconduct, misbehavior or unsatisfactory progress etc.

  27. A student having not brought the required equipment, journals etc, may be refused admission to lectures and laboratory and may be marked absent for the day.

  28. Failed students will be allowed to appear for the examination as per the rules set down by the institute.

  29. It will be entirely the responsibility of the guardian/parent to keep in touch with the progress of their son/daughter/ward.

  30. Students are expected to observe cleanliness in the premises at all times.

  31. Lunch given in the institute is not a statutory obligation of the institute. Students are required to Accept what is offered as training food.

  32. Students will be sent to established hotels for training during the tenure of their study in the institute.

  33. No private ODC or food service orders will be taken by the students without the written permission of the Principal.

  34. Students must attend theory classcsi practical’s of the institute and must visit catering establishment and take part in indoor and outdoor catering partied by the institute.

  35. All students must appear for the examination tests and must not assent themselves from any curricular and extra curricular activities without the prior permission of the principal. Such absence without permission may lead to loss of term work, since to keep a term; a student has to complete his/her tenure to the satisfaction of the principal. Students Should be regular and punctual in attending classes, tutorials and submissions of the term work in various subjects. Terms shall not be granted and a student shall not be certified for examination if his progress, conduct and attendance is not satisfactory according to the course of study prescribed to the student.

  36. Vacation training in hotels is compulsory and every student must complete their training satisfactorily as required in the curriculum.

  37. No mobile phones are permitted into the classroom. Prior permission of the principal is required to possess mobile phones in the institute.